Malaysia Campus Blending Conference (Nov 3-5, 2023)
God wants to rescue us from religion to His will, which is Christ and the church. As the younger generation of the Lord’s recovery in Malaysia, we genuinely cry from within, “O Lord, we have enough being bound by religion and tradition. Rescue us! We are hungry for God’s will!”
This was the strong effect brought to us during the recent 2023 Malaysia Campus Blending Conference. Five messages were given to deliver the burden lying within the general subject of this conference—“Enjoying Christ as the All-Inclusive Spirit for the Practical, Genuine, and Real Church Life.”
People may think that religion is nothing evil, but religion actually replaces Christ. Religion is anything done for Christ but not having the presence and reality of Christ. We may do many things for God, even attending this conference for God, but if we do not have the presence and reality of Christ, we are in religion. Upon hearing this word, there is a cry within us all, “We do not want anything other than Christ! Lord, we want to touch You and gain You in this conference!”
It was not a small thing when over 200 campus students from all over the country came, gathered and sat at the Lord’s feet this way to listen to His speaking. This gave the Lord a way to operate in each heart, the willing and the working for His good pleasure. Thank the Lord for bringing us together and strengthening our enjoyment towards Him. Thank the Lord for drawing us to run after Him that we may consecrate ourselves afresh to Him! The conference may be over but we prayed that the words would take root in us until we come together again the next time.
The enjoyment of Christ issues in the genuine church life
We thank the Lord that through this conference, we saw what God’s purpose is. God’s purpose is to work Himself in Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit into us, so that we may experience, enjoy, and live Christ for the genuine church life. We may think that we are living in the church life, but if we do not enjoy Christ, we missed God’s purpose and are not in the practical, genuine, and real church life. Praise the Lord that what makes the church life practical, genuine, and real is the enjoyment of Christ! Lord, we turn our hearts to You. We want Christ to revealed in us!
We need to take Christ as our person for the genuine church life
In the Book of Galatians, however, among the Galatian believers, some false brothers crept in to pervert the truth of the gospel by compelling the believers to be circumcised (Gal. 2:4). Christ has come to replace the law, yet the Galatian believers went back to observe the religious ordinances. We may think that they were foolish to go back to the law, but too often, we also esteem certain methods or practices to the extent that they become ordinances. The question today is not what we do or what we do not do; it is altogether a matter of who does it. Thank You Lord that we can take You as our person! We want You to be the person in everything we do!
We have received Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit into us
The Christ that we have today is not the objective Christ outside of us. Rather, Christ has become the Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b) as the blessing of the gospel. This blessing of the gospel has come upon us through faith in Christ (Gal. 3:14). This is not merely the blessing of the forgiveness of sins; even more, this is the greatest blessing, which is the Triune God as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit indwelling us in a most subjective way. Brothers and sisters, how blessed we are, for He is the all-inclusive Spirit in us for us to enjoy!
Living and walking by the Spirit
Having this all-inclusive Spirit in us, we need to practice to live and walk by the Spirit. This Spirit is mingled together with our spirit as one. All we need to do is to take care of our mingled spirit. Whether coming to the Bible or contacting the Lord in prayer, as long as we exercise ourselves to be in the mingled spirit, we are in the practical, genuine and real church life! Thank the Lord that when we live and walk by the Spirit, we have freedom, peace and joy!
Living in the new creation
Praise the Lord, the issue of living and walking by the Spirit is the new creation! “Neither is circumcision anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creation is what matters” (Gal. 6:15). Religion and religious ordinances will not issue in the new creation. It is our sowing unto the Spirit, our walking by the Spirit, that brings forth the new creation, which is the practical, genuine and real church life.
What a conference this is! Thank You, Lord, for bringing us back to Christ. Lord, we pray that from now on, in our church life, we will walk by the Spirit, sow unto the Spirit, and enjoy all the riches of the all-inclusive Christ in our spirit! O Lord, we want to have a practical, genuine and real church life! Hallelujah!
Some photos at the dining hall:
Till we see one another again next time!