Esmonde Lim Esmonde Lim

Gospel Strengthening (Apr 27, 2024)

Praise the Lord that Jesus Christ our Savior is our life Healer! Previously we were like the sick man in John Chapter 5, who was sick for 38 years, living helplessly and regretfully; but hallelujah, tonight, we heard the gospel!

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Esmonde Lim Esmonde Lim

Graduating Students Fellowship (Mar 23, 2024)

Now as we are reaching the end of our campus years when everyone starts to plan for their future, we are being reminded by the Lord again to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to us.

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Esmonde Lim Esmonde Lim

Campus Outing (Jan 25, 2024)

What a pleasant morning it was to be able to enjoy the fresh air outside the busy city with fellow campus students. Early in the morning even before the day dawns, we arrived at Taman Saujana Hijau, Putrajaya.

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Esmonde Lim Esmonde Lim

Young People Love Feast (Jan 13, 2024)

Some campus saints asked, "Are we having this kind of gathering every week?" Such a wonderful question speaks of the students’ desire to come together to enjoy the Lord and to be with one another.

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Esmonde Lim Esmonde Lim

Gospel Harvest Meeting (Nov 26, 2023)

What a blessing it is that we could meet the living God! As we came together, we were filled with joy from within because we had begun such a wonderful life since the day Jesus came into our hearts.

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Esmonde Lim Esmonde Lim

Gospel Harvest Meeting (Nov 19, 2023)

What a joyful day it is! Just by coming together the Lord filled our hearts with joy. Praise the Lord that God is the Lord of heaven and earth, He is the One who created man…

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Le Peng Tee Le Peng Tee

Malaysia Campus Blending Conference (Nov 3-5, 2023)

On November 3-5, 2023, we had the Malaysia Campus Blending Conference. It was not a small thing when over 200 campus students from all over the country came, gathered and sat at the Lord’s feet this way to listen to His speaking.

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Le Peng Tee Le Peng Tee

Graduating Students Fellowship (Oct 28, 2023)

Nearing the end of our studies, we will inevitably face a question, “What’s next?” or “What do I do after my graduation?” This is a question that most of us find it difficult to answer. Our real need is not man’s exhortation, but love and light.

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Le Peng Tee Le Peng Tee

Campus Gospel Outing (May 5-7, 2023)

There were a total of 24 campus students (out of which 3 are gospel friends) who went to Port Dickson for the Campus Gospel Outing for three days two nights.

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Le Peng Tee Le Peng Tee

Visit to Ipoh and Kampar (May 5-6, 2023)

On May 5 and 6, a few campus serving ones and FTTMY trainees went to Ipoh and Kampar to visit the campus students. We really thank the Lord for all the young people. They are crucial to the Lord to turn this age.

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