Klang Valley Youth Combine Meeting (May 4, 2024)
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water,
Out of the wells of salvation,
And in that day shall ye say,
Praise the Lord!
Praise Him for this group of Jesus-loving young people, who were gathered together in His name to enjoy Him. Thank the Lord for yet another opportunity to be blended together! On such a joyous occasion, we began our time by immersing ourselves in this hymn, drawing water freely from Him as the living water.
After much enjoyment, we were brought to see a basic yet fundamental truth. As believers, we were saved not by outward doings but by believing in God. Praise the Lord that this is only requirement for us to be saved! Having believed in the Lord, we can also boldly confess to our friends and classmates that we are Christians! We are Christians simply because we believe that Jesus is Lord and that God has raised Him from the dead.